Last week my boys and I just took it easy, I had them work on some basic school stuff while we waited for our teachers to put together the new online learning that they will now be doing. I must say our school board and both schools that my boys attend have been AMAZING through all of this!

For me it was a bit of a challenge, from the time I got up in the morning until about supper time I kept quite busy with setting up my boys' school stuff, tidying the house, and other Mom stuff. I should've known better but wanted to keep busy while my boys were doing their work....you know, the whole "kids learn what the live/see"..... basically I didn't want to sit around on the couch while making my kids do work.
We've chatted about it an all agree that I don't need to walk them through everything, I'm here to help when needed!!
Other than helping my boys keep up on school work during this time I've been figuring out my new cricut machine! I originally got it to help me with my scrapbooking that I'm trying to get caught up on....I'm still working on stuff from 2014!! I thought that if I had a machine like this it would help with my limited fine motor skills and save me from exhaustion from forcing my hands to do what they clearly don't want to do!
But, if you know me you know that I don't do anything the easy way, as soon as I realized all that I could do with my cricut I had to try it all!! My fine motor skills are definitely getting a work out now dealing with all of the small pieces! It's definitely been a challenge as well as frustrating and exhausting at times but I'm figuring it out and am enjoying it for the most part!!
My boys and I have also been busy decorating our windows with Easter pictures (this is one of the many things I've been using my cricut for) for the Easter Egg Hunt 2020 with Social Distancing!! If you have't heard of it I strongly suggest you check it out, it's bringing people together from all over the globe!
We're all trying to figure out our new normal! What are you and your family doing to entertain yourselves during this time?

My boys and I have also been busy decorating our windows with Easter pictures (this is one of the many things I've been using my cricut for) for the Easter Egg Hunt 2020 with Social Distancing!! If you have't heard of it I strongly suggest you check it out, it's bringing people together from all over the globe!

On a side note, if you need to do some shopping or are out and about in the world please have patience, keep your distance, be kind to one another, and please stop hoarding toilet paper!!