About Me

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My name is Jodi, I am a wife and mother. My husband is Trevor, we have been together for 16 years...we actually got married on our 10 year anniversary!!💓 Trevor and I have 2 amazing boys, Taylor🎺 and Braden🎷! As a family we also have 2 cats😻😻, Casper and Clark....I'm sure they'll make a blog appearance or 2! In my spare time I enjoy scrapbooking, creating sock animals, camping with my family, reading, and just being outside in general. I'm pretty much an open book, so if there is ever anything you would like me to answer please don't hesitate to ask!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Birthdays and Holidays While Social Distancing

This last week was supposed to be filled with multiple birthday parties and Easter celebrations, but with the current state of the world....you know, global pandemic and all that didn't happen!Bitmoji Image

My son Taylor was the first of the April birthday's, I made a giant sign out of poster board that read "Honk for a Happy 15th Birthday!" Sadly not many people honked for him, he had about 6 total I think. Throughout the day a family friend, and 2 school friends drove by, we were both feeling pretty discouraged. This was nothing like the videos people had been posting of their communities coming out to wish kids a Happy birthday.

His Aunt's, Uncle, cousin's and Grandma drove by in the evening with Happy Birthday playing from the cars. Taylor felt pretty special in that moment, especially since we had just taken his sign down and decided that was it for the day.

Mine and my nieces birthday were on the 8th. We didn't really do anything for my birthday, which sucked because I haven't done anything for my birthday in a loooong time (we won't get into the why of that for now) and I had actually decided that I would like to do something this year. I really should've known better....

My first attempt at a shadow box!
I'm now obsessed with making them!!
As for my niece, luckily I had done most of her birthday shopping before everything closed so I at least had a gift for her! (Unlike for my boys who I had to scramble for and hope everything shipped on time, luckily everything has arrived) My boys and I painted a happy birthday banner to stand at the end of the walkway with, we had Birthday by the Beatles playing from the car but I don't think they could hear it, and we dropped off her gifts. One of the gifts was an Eiffel Tower shadowbox (I had to drop it off the next day since the frame didn't come in time) that I worked hard on (there was blood, sweat, and a few f-bombs that went into making it) and I just had to leave it on the doorstep.....that has to
be the saddest way to wish someone a happy birthday!

Next up was Easter, we hadn't planned on a big turkey dinner for the 4 of us but the boys decided that they MUST have turkey! So we made a turkey on Friday, and offered to make plates for the Grandparents that could be left on the step for pick up.

On Saturday we delivered Easter gifts to one side of the family. (the other side is holding out hope that this will all be over soon so I saved theirs for now) Braden has a giant dress up bunny head so He brought it along so he could surprise everyone with being the Easter Bunny. Once we were done our drop offs it was time to wait for Grandma to make her rounds.

Now with all of that you'd think we'd be done with celebrations, but we're not! We have one more birthday to celebrate on the 16th. Lucky for us the thing that makes Braden the most happy is when someone will play a game with him!! So even if he doesn't get a lot of honks I think he'll be happy with his day as long as the 4 of us can play a game!

This isn't how any of us want to spend birthdays and holidays, but for now unfortunately it is the new norm and we really do just need to make the best of it. I'm not saying that it will be easy, \i'm not great at it myself, but I am trying!

How was your Easter? Are you missing out on other celebrations? What are you doing instead of gatherings?

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