About Me

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My name is Jodi, I am a wife and mother. My husband is Trevor, we have been together for 16 years...we actually got married on our 10 year anniversary!!💓 Trevor and I have 2 amazing boys, Taylor🎺 and Braden🎷! As a family we also have 2 cats😻😻, Casper and Clark....I'm sure they'll make a blog appearance or 2! In my spare time I enjoy scrapbooking, creating sock animals, camping with my family, reading, and just being outside in general. I'm pretty much an open book, so if there is ever anything you would like me to answer please don't hesitate to ask!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Yearly Neurologist Visit

Today I had my annual neurologist appointment.....it was definitely interesting!! When I first arrived at the hospital (the MS clinic is inside the hospital) I thought I was going to to be late for my appointment, the lot I normally park in was full so I needed to park in the parkade. This wouldn't normally be too much of an issue other than the fact that I only had 30 minutes to get to my appointment.....parking in the parkade means farther for me to walk, and I am not good at walking quickly. 

Anyways....I made it to the hospital doors only to find a line up of people waiting to get in, I though for sure I would be late now!! Luckily the line moved quickly and I was able to will my legs to walk at a decent pace once I got through the COVID-19 screening. I made it to my appointment with 5 minutes to spare, YAY me! My feet and legs were on fire but I wasn't late!!

I was feeling pretty confident going in to my appointment in regards to my progression (I knew I needed to talk to her about bladder issues but that wasn't really anything new, I had just put it off), I don't really notice if I've gotten weaker or things like that, I do my best to just go about my days the best I can and try not to focus on that stuff too much. Well, today I learned that I am substantially more weak than I was a year ago, and my balance is atrocious.

One of my main concerns going into this appointment was about having to change my DMT from Copaxone to Galtect.....I know they are similar to each other but it still makes me nervous! I learned today that I am NOT being switched right now. Don't get to excited for me though, I'm not staying on it for the reasons you might think. I'm being kept on Copaxone until I can have another set of MRI's done. My Dr. is concerned that I may have new lesions or may be having/have had another relapse.

Basically she is concerned that my wonderful new symptom of night tremors could be a sign that something is happening in my brain and spine again. These tremors aren't like having the coffee shakes...these feel like there is an earthquake inside my body.  The first time it happened it woke me from my sleep, it was awful! This has been going on for about 4 weeks now, and according to my Dr. it is concerning and need to be looked at

I also finally mentioned my bladder issues....basically my brain and bladder don't get along. My problems are worse at night or when I am tired. My bladder often feels the need to go even though I actually don't need to empty my bladder....I can go to the bathroom 4-5 times in an hour and most of those times I don't actually need to empty my bladder. During the day this isn't really a huge issue, I can manage that fairly easily. At night however, it is really affecting my sleep.....and if you know anything about MS you know that rest is crucial. I finally decided it was time to ask for help with this issue because dealing with tremors and a crappy bladder was getting to be too much.

Today is also the very first time that I actually seen any of my MRI's! I've always known that I have 2 lesions in my upper spine, but I have never been told how many I have in my brain. My Dr. explained that they basically stop counting after 3....well she pulled them up to look at together, I stopped counting after 10!! 10 is a HUGE number when talking about flaws in my brain.....I may have been better off not knowing that number!

On the bright side of this rather dreary appointment I was given the go ahead to go camping with extended family as long as I'm smart about it. No hugs/kisses, no sharing of food, lots of hand washing, and sanitizing high touch surfaces often, as well as physical distancing.

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